Wigan and Bolton’s Educational Mental Health Practitioners achieve postgraduate qualifications! | News and Events

Wigan and Bolton’s Educational Mental Health Practitioners achieve postgraduate qualifications!

Over the past year, the Educational Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) at Wigan and Bolton Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) have been undergoing a postgraduate qualification at GMMH’s Psychological Therapies Training Centre, and Edgehill University.

We are delighted to say that they have all since qualified, and are using their newly acquired skills to support children and young adults (CYPs) and their families across Wigan and Bolton.

Sophie Nelson, Oliver Nicholls, Charlotte Royales and Hayley Johnson from Bolton MHST, and Ebony Duffy, David Bibby and Hannah Lacey from Wigan MHST, have been upskilled in the use of evidence-based interventions to help CYPs manage their mental health more effectively; working closely alongside school teams and the multi-disciplinary teams within children’s mental health services to do so.

Not only has each EMHP delivered 1-1 interventions with over 15 CYPs and their carers/guardians each, but they have also been running consultations, and offering ‘whole school approach’ activities such as assemblies, alongside working with the local community at family hubs to provide effective, holistic support.

Sophie Nelson, EMHP at Bolton MHST said:

Sophie Nelson

Pictured: Sophie Nelson, EMHP, Bolton MHST

“There was a buddy system implemented when we started, meaning I was paired up with a qualified EMHP who was available to answer any questions I had. This helped me to feel settled and integrated within the team.

Regular supervision/check ins meant that our Senior Leaders knew where I was up to in terms of requirements and there were opportunities to discuss / problem solve any challenges I faced. SLT were very understanding of the demands of university, and I was supported to manage responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed. Regular wellbeing days made me feel valued and appreciated as a member of the Bolton MHST team.”

Oliver Nicholls, EMHP at Bolton MHST said:

Oliver Nicholls

Pictured: Oliver Nicholls, EMHP, Bolton MHST

“The team have been very supportive across the whole trainee year. I have felt supported by my line manager and supervisor in terms of my own mental wellbeing and also refining skills I need to develop. It has been really helpful to have had allocated time to complete university assignments too to help manage workload and wellbeing. There were several opportunities when I joined to shadow colleagues to broaden my understanding of the role. The team were also accommodating in terms of assigning specific cases to meet university requirements. The use of regular check-ins and updates ensured that we were well supported from start to finish.”

Charlotte Royales, EMHP at Bolton MHST said:

“There were opportunities to shadow other colleagues and there was regular supervision and line management. I was encouraged to allocate time to university assignments to prevent being overwhelmed and maintain wellbeing.”

Hayley Johnson, EMHP at Bolton MHST said:

“I feel that throughout my training year, I have been well supported by the Senior Leadership Team and the wider staff team. People have regularly checked in on how I am doing and offered lots of opportunities to shadow assessment and intervention sessions. 

"There has always been an awareness of what we are covering in university and regular check ins to see what we need in relation to cases to support our learning. 

"Having the opportunity to start in post in November helped us to gain experience in the role through shadowing. This was really helpful and gave us a good head start for when we started the course at Edge Hill in January.”

Ebony Duffy, EMHP at Wigan MHST said:

“My experience working within a MHST has been very positive, particularly through the tough training year. The team has been really supportive and I have been able to learn a lot from every practitioner. Having some good outcomes with some young people that I have worked with throughout this year have made it all worth it, and I am proud of the relationships I have built with the young people, and the schools that I have been allocated.”

David Bibby, EMHP at Wigan MHST said:

“I have found the MHST team to be very supportive, both when on the initial training course and now in our qualified year.

I feel I have developed good rapport with my schools and, this year in particular, they have all taken up more of our whole school approach offer which then supports the whole school community on a universal level. Children and young people are starting to know who I am and recognise me and are therefore more willing to engage in MHST support on a one to one basis when it’s needed. This has been a proud achievement!"

Hannah Lacey, EMHP at Wigan MHST said:

“I have enjoyed my first 18 months working within the Wigan MHST team. My colleagues are extremely hard working and have been very supportive as I settled into my role. I have particularly enjoyed delivering the whole school approach in my allocated schools, as well as delivering parent workshops throughout the half terms.”

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