Be Kind to My Mind film launched

Bolton Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services are promoting their new campaign Bekindtomymind.
Read Be Kind to My Mind film launched…Posted on at by Communications Office
Bolton Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services are promoting their new campaign Bekindtomymind.
Read Be Kind to My Mind film launched…Posted on at by Gemma Newbury
This is an exciting development that will make a real difference to children and young people who are experiencing a mental health-related crisis.
Read Greater Manchester Crisis Care Pathway…Posted on at
‘Self-harm not just a problem in young people’
Read Older people who self-harm at highest risk of suicide, finds study…Posted on at by Gemma Newbury
New Recovery Academy Prospectus Out Now!
Read Recovery Academy Autumn-Winter Prospectus …As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support.
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