New mental health facilities for children and teenagers in Wigan

21 June is National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day, which is the perfect opportunity for us to recognise the essential work of our Capital, Estates & Facilities (CEF) workforce and their role in the delivery of our services.
Read National Healthcare Estates and Facilities Day…In England and Wales, men are at approximately three times the risk of dying by suicide as women, and the highest rates of suicide are among men in mid-life.
Read Men's Health Week: Innovative suicide prevention initiatives for men…In this month's blog from the Housing First Dual Diagnosis team, they discuss gambling in people who are homeless and the support available to them.
Read Housing First Dual Diagnosis Team Blog: Gambling…Georgia Addison is a qualified mental health nurse who is currently on secondment with Research & Innovation.
Read Life as a Research Nurse…Carers Week (5-11 June) is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.
Read Carers Week 2023…National Volunteering Week is an opportunity for us to say thank you to all of our GMMH volunteers for their hard work and support. Their dedication, compassion and support across the Trust has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on those who use our services, their families/carers and our staff.
Read Volunteers Week 2023: Celebrating our volunteers…