Occupational Development Training Courses
Alcohol Awareness
Assessment and Recovery Planning
Asset Based Community Development and Partnership Working
Brief Solution Focussed Approaches
Club Drugs and New Psychoactive Substances
Co-occuring Substance Misuse and Mental Health (Dual Diagnosis)
Detoxification and Prescribing for Substance Misusers
Discharge Planning, Aftercare and Relapse Prevention
Drug Awareness
Facilitating Groupwork
Facilitating Groupwork with Node Link Mapping
Five Ways to Wellbeing
Harm Reduction
In the Spirit of Motivational Interviewing
Introduction to Chemsex and Substance Related Sex
Introduction to Mindfulness and Relaxation
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Level 2: Becoming a Family Focussed Peer Navigator (Mental Health and Substance Misuse)
Level 2: Becoming a Peer Navigator (Mental Health and Substance Misuse)
Level 2: Responding to Substance Misuse
Level 3: Award in Supporting Recovery
Level 3: Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Level 3: Specialist Practitioner Skills (Alcohol)
Level 3: Specialist Practitioner Skills (New Psychoactive Substances)
Level 3: Specialist Practitioner Skills (Stimulants)
Level 3: Understanding and Responding to Substance Misuse
Level 4: Developing Motivational Interviewing Practice Skills
Level 4: Facilitating Groupwork
Level 4: Node-Link Mapping
Mental Health for Substance Misuse Practitioners