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Responding to Drug use in The Night Time Economy

 open_awards_logoThis course aims to increase participant’s knowledge of Drug Use in the Night Time Economy (NTE), and to consider ways that bars, nightclubs and other night time economy venues can work in ways to reduce harms associated with the use of drugs.

This course has been developed and is delivered in partnership with The Loop and draws on their experience of providing welfare, harm reduction and drug checking services.

The course has been awarded a Badge of Excellence by open Awards in recognition of the quality of its content and delivery.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • List the effects and risks of drugs used in the night time economy
  • Summarise key government legislation in this area
  • Outline licensing regulations relating to drug use in the NTE
  • Discuss the principles of harm reduction as applied to the night time economy
  • Identify a range of activities and actions to keep customers safe
  • Give examples of ways of responding to drug related emergencies
  • Discuss the benefits of providing in-house welfare services and look at ways of providing effective welfare support within venues

Who is this course for?

Anybody who has an interest in drug misuse and the night time economy can apply for this course. It may prove particularly beneficial to club owners, festival organisers, security staff, licensing officers or anybody working in this field.


Date, duration and venue

Date By agreement with external organisations
Duration One full day

This course is offered to external organisations (or groups of organisations) at a venue of their choosing


As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust