Perinatal compassion focused therapy for mothers with mental health difficulties (P-CFT)
Calling for participants until
Participant type
The Community Mental Health Team is taking part in a research study to evaluate how compassion can help with your wellbeing and bonding with your baby.
What is the study about? What are you trying to find out?
Pregnancy and the period after childbirth can be a challenging time for women, and in this intervention we are looking at how self-compassion can support and improve perinatal well-being.
Previous research has linked self-compassion with greater happiness and optimism, and less stress and depression, while compassion-focused interventions have been shown to improve well-being.
What does taking part involve?
The study includes three parts:
- Questionnaires: Online questionnaires that you will complete before and after the therapy
- Mother-infant interaction: Comparing two videos of you interacting with your baby before and after the therapy
- Interview: A one-to-one chat about how you found the therapy and how it could be improved
If you agree to take part in this intervention, you will join the CFT perinatal group. This group will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams on a weekly basis and will be led by members of the CPMHT. The intervention consists of 10-12 sessions, and each session will last about 1.5 hours. In these sessions you will receive information about compassion, and you will learn a variety of techniques and strategies on how to show self-compassion. You will receive a booklet, which includes details of the information and techniques covered in the group sessions.
Who is it for?
If you meet the following criteria, you are eligible to be included in the study:
- Recruited from a perinatal community mental health team (P-CMHT)
- They have a baby that is less than two years old at the time of starting the group OR they are currently pregnant and can complete intervention prior to approximately 34 weeks gestation. However, if you are currently pregnant you will be unable to participate in the mother-infant interaction video part of the study.
- At least 18 years of age or above
Why is it important?
Pregnancy and the period after childbirth can be a challenging time for women, and in this intervention we are looking at how self-compassion can support and improve perinatal well-being. Previous research has linked self-compassion with greater happiness and optimism, and less stress and depression, while compassion-focused interventions have been shown to improve well-being.
How can I find out more?
You can find out more information about taking part in this study by downloading the key documents at the top of this page.
If you are interested in taking part in this study, or have questions for the research team, click the button below to email the research team:
Meet the researcher
Leah MillardResearch Associate
As a Research Associate at GMMH, I work for the Perinatal Mental Health and Parenting (PRIME) Research Unit and for the NIHR-funded BAY Trial (Behavioural Activation for Young people with depression in specialist child and adolescent mental health services).
Alongside my role at GMMH, I am working towards my PhD at the University of Manchester, where I am conducting a trial on the potential benefits of compassion focused therapy for people experiencing mental health difficulties during the perinatal period (from conception to two-years postpartum).