Systematic Innovation training course, 1st - 2nd June | Events

Systematic Innovation training course, 1st - 2nd June

Join us on 1st and 2nd June at Stretford Public Hall for a free two-day Systematic Innovation training course which will give you the tools to analyse and solve ANY problem


Innovation is about generating new ideas and putting them into practice, in a way that changes how things are done, or what is provided in a significant way.

Complex work, system or organisational problems can be hard to make sense of and find solutions to. Often we feel that the current way is the only way, despite many challenges.

This course aims to raise awareness and improve theoretical and practical understanding of innovative problem solving.

The course will enable you, along with colleagues, co-workers, or friends, to bring a complex problem of your choice to work through, shed light on and generate robust solutions.

Innovation Training GMMH

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand what psychological inertia is.
  • Be able to use a range of thinking styles to explore problems.
  • Be able to analyse complex problems using the Systematic Innovation tool kit.
  • Gain an introductory understanding of Inventive Principles, which are robust, solution finding strategies.
  • Have a good understanding of the complex problem you choose to explore, along with solutions to take away.


Duration: This course will run over two consecutive days

Please contact or call 0161 358 1771 to book your free place


What do delegates say about the course?

‘It was fascinating to learn about how to jump from one innovation curve to the next – that is how to take that big leap forward. The knowledge I gained on the course helps shape my thinking about problems and solutions.”

Anthony, a sales manager in the telecoms industry

Previous delegates have said that the course got them out of old ways of thinking and enabled them to find creative solutions to problems, boosting their confidence about dealing with and finding solutions for complex problems.

Delegates enjoyed gaining practical insights into how to use the principles of Systematic Innovation and applying this knowledge to their real-world problems. After attending this course, people are confident about being able to apply their new skills and knowledge in the future.


For more information about Innovation training, please visit:


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