What are some of the difficulties experienced by those referring into CAMHS and how can we solve these?

What are some of the difficulties experienced by those referring into CAMHS and how can we solve these?
Join us for our EN-CAMHS dissemination event on 31st Jan to learn about possible solutions
The Enhancing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Referrals Project (EN-CAMHS) is responding to an urgent need to improve the referral process into CAMHS. At present that there are long waiting times to access the service and a lack of other appropriate sources of support for children and young people (CYP).
We know that CYP and their families/carers are experiencing significant distress due to these problems and that often, their mental health difficulties worsen [2].
In 2020/2021, a report from the Children’s Commissioner highlighted that approximately 25% of CYP referred into CAMHS were not accepted for treatment. EN-CAMHS has extensively engaged stakeholders to clarify the barriers they face to making appropriate referrals, and analysed CAMHS referral data to understand and identify problems within the referral process. Through the extensive engagement with key CAMHS stakeholders, this project has also identified potential solutions to these problems.
The EN-CAMHS dissemination event will be sharing up-to-date, timely findings from the project and will include presentations from the project team.
Attendees will improve their knowledge on:
Current pain points and difficulties within the CAMHS referral process
Possible sustainable solutions to these
Referral data from CAMHS
Complexities of implementing sustainable solutions across CAMHS settings
Speakers include:
Professor Kathryn Abel (Principal Investigator)
Dr Pauline Whelan (Co-Principal Investigator)
Charlotte Stockton Powdrell (Senior Project Manager)
Heidi Tranter (Research Associate)
The findings from this project are being shared at the following event: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/enhancing-camhs-referrals-en-camhs-project-dissemination-event-tickets-474201017007. Tickets are free, however there are limited places for delegates due to venue capacity, so please ensure you register ASAP.