GMMH Call for Proposals for Strategic Research Funding | News & Events

GMMH Call for Proposals for Strategic Research Funding

We are delighted to launch a new funding call to support our 2021-24 Research & Innovation Strategy which will be launched following ratification by the Trust Board.  This funding call aims to encourage all ideas which will support GMMH to be at the forefront of mental health research, using new knowledge to improve outcomes for our service users. 


Please find the details of the call including the 6 strategic priority areas and the application form for funding can be found here:


GMMH Call for proposals for strategic research funding June 2021


All applications will need to be submitted by 9am on Tuesday 20th July and outcomes will be confirmed during week commencing 2nd August.  All ideas need to be deliverable by 31st March 2022.


If you have any queries about the call, please contact in the first instance.

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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