#MHNRU Journal Club - February 2022 - Professor Katherine Berry | News & Events

#MHNRU Journal Club - February 2022 - Professor Katherine Berry


GMMH's Mental Health Nursing Research Unit holds a monthly online Journal Club that is open to anyone who would like to attend.


For February’s Journal Club, Professor Katherine Berry discussed her article...


A study on the feasibility of delivering a ward-based psychological intervention on acute mental health wards.


Full details of the article are available here: A study on the feasibility of delivering a psychologically informed ward‐based intervention on an acute mental health ward - Raphael - 2021 - Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy - Wiley Online Library

Katherine Berry is Professor of Clinical Psychology at The University of Manchester and Co-Director of GMMH’s Complex Trauma and Resilience Research Unit. Her research has focused on understanding the psychological and social causes of psychosis, and on the development and evaluation of more accessible psychological treatments for people with psychosis in community and inpatient settings.

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