International Trials Day - Cognetivity

This study is trialing an Integrated Cognitive Assessment (ICA) test. This is a five minute computerized test, which we hope will help identify....
Read International Trials Day - Cognetivity…Posted on at by Carl Bateson
This study is trialing an Integrated Cognitive Assessment (ICA) test. This is a five minute computerized test, which we hope will help identify....
Read International Trials Day - Cognetivity…Posted on at by Carl Bateson
Full study name: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Multiple-Dose, Placebo-Controlled Study To Evaluate the Safety and....
Read International Trials Day - Tally…Posted on at by Carl Bateson
CARMS (Cognitive AppRoaches to coMbatting Suicidality) is a two armed trial with a treatment condition comprising a suicide focused talking therapy together with treatment as usual, and a control condition of treatment as usual alone. CARMS is unique in offering a....
Read International Trials Day - CARMS…Posted on at by Carl Bateson
Despite significant guidance recommending that people receiving inpatient mental health care should have access to treatment other than medication, including evidence-based psychological therapies such as cognitive,....
Read International Trials Day - TULIPS…Posted on at by Carl Bateson
The PPiP2 study aims to identify potential participants for the SINAPPS2 trial investigating the role of the immune system in psychosis....
Read International Trials Day - PPiP2…As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support.
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