Podcast introducing Research and Innovation at GMMH launches | News & Events

Podcast introducing Research and Innovation at GMMH launches

Mental health research and innovation saves lives, relieves significant distress, and improves quality of life. It also benefits the whole of society by generating social and economic benefits that contribute to thriving communities built upon resilience, reduced levels of mental ill health, and less stigma and discrimination.

The first of a series of podcasts about Research and Innovation at GMMH is now available to stream on the Spotify and the Recovery Academy website.

In the short podcast, host Caroline Cardillo speaks with Sarah Leo, Head of Research and Innovation at GMMH, about the work the department completes, including the types of mental health and dementia research currently taking place, and how staff across the Trust can take part.

This podcast marks the start of a series of podcasts, exploring Research & Innovation at GMMH. So be sure to tune in regularly to hear more from individuals from across the Trust who are involved in research and/or innovation.

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