Putting research into clinical practice: insights from Research & Innovation Knowledge & Skills Day | News & Events

Putting research into clinical practice: insights from Research & Innovation Knowledge & Skills Day

Last Friday, we were delighted to welcome colleagues and friends to our Research & Innovation Knowledge and Skills Day at The Curve in Prestwich.  

We had a fantastic line up of speakers delivering a jam-packed programme of talks and workshops, covering topics from Long COVID, to hearing voices, brain health to the role of lived experience in research, and suicide prevention in mental health services, to how to develop a clinical academic career. Delegates heard about our latest research and innovation projects, and importantly, what this knowledge means for them in clinical practice.  

GMMH is one of the most research active NHS Mental Health Trusts, and our researchers are some of the best in their respective fields. But we can’t do the best research without the help and support of our staff and service users.  

It’s also crucial that research does not sit in an ivory tower, and that our staff and the wider professional mental health community understand how research translates into clinical practice, and how this knowledge can be used to help service users and improve outcomes.

Our line-up of talks and workshops was designed to do just this, providing insights into the latest research, and introducing delegates to some of the key skills they need to enable them to better interpret and understand what this means to them as clinicians. 

Prof Damien Longson Guests speaking during the event


Our first speakers, Dr Sarah Burlinson, Dr Gilian Fairclough and Jo Stucke, provided practical insights into the availability of Post-COVID syndrome services across Greater Manchester, while Dr Eleanor Longden gave delegates a fist look at the results of a trial of a new talking therapy for people who hear voices which involves therapists talking directly to the voice.

Dr Pauline Turnbull shared recommendations from the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH) about how clinicians can improve safety for all patients and ultimately help prevent suicide within mental health services, while Dr Kamelia Harris shared results of a trial that recruited service users from across GMMH and spoke about how talking openly about suicide and psychosis can be positive for many service users.

Delegates also heard from Dr Ross Dunne about the latest developments in memory clinics in GMMH where there is a much greater focus on brain health, prevention and early diagnosis.

Dr Ross Dunne

Throughout the day, a series of workshops were also running which were designed to introduce attendees to some key research and innovation skills. These covered the role of lived experience in research, ethical principles, identifying areas to innovate, and how to critically appraise published research. 

If you weren’t able to attend the event but would like more information about the topics covered, please contact the Research Office by emailing researchoffice@gmmh.nhs.uk.

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust

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