Research into Practice
Research & Innovation at GMMH is delighted to launch our monthly webinar series for 2025: 'Research into Practice'.
During the last week of the month, one of our research units will lead a webinar that delves into their specialist area. This webinar series is open to all GMMH staff and external research partners.
About the webinar series
Our mission is to ensure that every service user or member of staff, across all of our locations, has the opportunity to participate in and benefit from clinical research and innovation, for better outcomes and increased clinical effectiveness.
The "Research into Practice" webinar series is a way for our colleagues across the Trust, as well as our external research partners, to find out more about the important work our ten research units are focussing on: this might be studies that are currently ongoing, the findings of finished research projects, or a discussion of future research topics.
Scheduled webinars will appear below with a link to the registration page. The webinars will take place via MS Teams webinars. After the webinar date, you will be able to watch a recording of it on Research & Innovation's YouTube channel here.
If you have any queries, problems or feedback about this series, please don't hesitate to contact AskAboutResearch@gmmh.nhs.uk !
2025 schedule
January: Greater Manchester Dementia Research Centre (GMDRC)
Date: Wednesday 29 January 2025, 12 — 12:45pm
Title: A cure for Alzheimer's: Brain health and early diagnosis in the era of disease-modifying drugs
This event is in the past. We will provide a link to the recording in the coming days.
February: Innovation at GMMH
Date: Wednesday 26 February 2025, 12 — 12:45pm
Title: Research & Innovation: Changing the game of assessment and intervention
Find out more and register here.
March: Complex Trauma and Resilience Research Unit (C-TRU)
Date: Thursday 27 March 2025, 12 — 1pm
Title: Time to talk about staff trauma in inpatient mental health: Findings from the Staff TIME study
Find out more and register here.
April: Forensics Research Unit
Date: Wednesday 30 April 2025, 12 — 12:45pm
Please come back later for more information!