Intensive Support Team (IST)

The Wigan and Bolton Intensive Support Team offer trauma-informed and evidence-based interventions to support children and young people with learning disabilities and complex needs to stay with their families or carers. The team is made up of specialist staff who are committed to providing high-quality intensive support at some of the most difficult times for families and carers. We are psychologically led and work together to provide holistic, inclusive interventions that are tailored to the individual needs.

We are made up of Specialist Learning Disability Nurses with additional training in Positive Behaviour Support, alongside Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and clinical support staff. Children and young people referred to the service will be discussed at a professional consultation where all the appropriate local services available are considered. If the child is appropriate for intensive intervention, the team will conduct an extended assessment with frequent visits to all the settings where they are cared for, to develop a psychological formulation and fully understand any challenging behaviour.

We offer training, therapeutic support to families/siblings and carers, and we model and embed all care and risk plans within the home, education and any short breaks or other care settings. The IST are connected to the local communities and parent-carer forums and are excited to be developing a new service alongside families and listening to the voices of our children and young people. We work flexibly to meet the needs of the family and to ensure our team can have the work-life balance that they need to thrive. 

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust